Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cha Cha Changes!!!

So I used to say that I would never get a blog... but after some recent changes in my life I have caved... AHHH I KNOW!!  Go ahead and lump me into the "Mormon Bloggers" category.

The past few months of my life have been full of so much change. This has been the most difficult, scary, trying, happy, and exciting time of my life all rolled into one!

- FINALLY Graduating from ASU... C's get Degrees ladies and gents!
- Moving to Provo, UT to finish out my track eligibility.
- I guess there is this boy that is kind of special too...

About a week before Christmas break and after a lot of prayer I packed up my car and drove nine and a half hours to Utah. I was pretty scared because I went all alone but I made it safe and sound. When I got there Cameron was outside waiting for me with a huge smile on his face, I have never been so happy to see him! He has helped me sooo much with this whole process and I am so lucky that he has such a big heart. I will have to admit that I HATE Provo but I am trying to make the best of this experience. There is a bit of an overload of the Mormon culture here that I am not quite used to. Cameron likes to terrorize me about it sometimes... he tells me not to "swim against the current" haha bless his heart. We have a lot of fun together and have become the best of friends. I am excited for what this semester has in store for me! I could not have made this journey without faith, my family and my friends. I am positive that Utah will never be my home (never ever) but for now it is a place for me to learn and grow as a person.